

Mao's Words  Samurai Athlete Mao

Catch Up With Kozuka

MC: まずは小塚選手、世界選手権の銀メダルおめでとうございます

小塚: ありがとうございます。

MC: メダル獲得から1週間経ちましたが、実感はわいてきていますか

小塚: 本当に沢山の方が祝福してくださって、名古屋に帰って友達にも会って、よかったね、世界選手権のメダルだもんなと喜んでくれて、本当に世界選手権でメダルを獲ったんだと実感がわいてきますし、嬉しいですね。

MC: ご自身で分析される、ご自分が銀メダルを取れた理由とは

小塚: とにかくよく練習したこと、自信を持ってできたことが今回の結果に繋がったんじゃないかなと思います。

Narration: メダルをもたらしたのは、練習を積み重ね、ある課題を克服した自信。その課題とは4回転ジャンプの着氷です。

小塚� �手は転びやすい両足での着氷が癖になっていました。


MC: ご自身で振り返っていかがですか

小塚: 僕の中の理想のままできたと思います。高さも距離も回転のスピードも

MC: 浅田さん見ていかがですか

真央: いやもう、すごいです。キレイです。簡単に跳んじゃってるみたいな・・・マイナスの付け所がない。

小塚: 簡単じゃないんだよこれが

MC: そうですね、簡単に見せられてし� ��うとけっこうみんな跳べるんだなと勘違いしてしまうんですけど、そういうわけじゃないんですよね

真央: 難しいです

小塚: 難しいですけど、だいぶ世界の傾向として4回転を跳べる選手が増えてきて、フリーの中に入れる数も増えてきましたし、跳べたって喜んでる場合じゃないなと思ってます。

Narration: 小塚選手が長年指導を受けている佐藤信夫コーチ。

真央: 一緒に練習していてもやっぱり安定してますね。ショートもフリーも自分のここっていうものをすべて持っていて、やっぱり試合を見ていてもああもう大丈夫だなという感じは受けました。
自分はど ちらかというと信夫先生も言ってたんですけど、とりあえずついていけって言われてます

MC: 小塚選手に?

真央: はい。

MC: お兄ちゃん?

小塚&真央: ははは

小塚: そんなこと言われていたんですね

MC: そもそも佐藤コーチは本番に入ると厳しいと聞きますが


小塚: 練習の時は厳しいですけど僕は怒られませんでした。今年は

真央: 真央はちょっと・・・2回くらい?

小塚: シーズン入ってから

Narration: 一方浅田選手は連覇を期待されながら世界選手権自己ワーストの6位。自分の演技をどのように受け止めているのでしょうか

MC: もし点数をつけるとしたら百点満点でどれくらいでしょうか

真央: 難しいですね、まあ半分以下ですね。自分の実力と演技を合わせたら半分以下だと思います。

MC: いまご覧になっていかがですか

真央: ロシアにはいてからもアクセルはずっと決まってなかったので、それに比べたらいいほうだったかなとは思うんですけど、やはり回転が足りてないので これはもうマイナスですね。

Narration: 世界選手権では大会中に佐藤コーチから3Aを2Aにする安全策を提案されたといいます。それでも浅田選手自身が3Aを選んだ理由とは?

真央: 自分もダブルにしてやったことがなかったので、それをいちばん大きな世界選手権でやることが自分にとって本当にプラスに行くんだろうかっていう不安はありました。逆にそっちのほうが不安になっちゃうんじゃないかなというのはありました。

MC: 直前とはいつ頃ですか?

真央: SPの朝の公式練習のときです

MC: 小塚選手から見ても3Aが決まらないシーンはあまり見なかったかもしれないですけども、そういうシーンを目の当たりにしたことも含めて、どうご覧になっていましたか

小塚: 試合の本番で3Aをやる根性というか気持ち� ��強さというのは、本当に見習わなきゃいけないなと思います。僕だったら多分先生に「はい」といってダブルでやってたと思います。

MC: あれ?早いですね

小塚: 僕は素直に行きます(笑)

MC: 浅田さんにある方からお手紙をもらっています。どなたからだと思いますか

真央: わかんないです。あ、え?佳菜ちゃんですか?

MC: 正解!どこで分かりました?

真央: 絵で分かりました

小塚: 絵、絵

Narration: 送り主は16歳の村上佳菜子選手。世界選手権初出場ながら8位。ジュニア時代は浅田選手と同じクラブに所属。日本代表となってからも浅田選手の背中を追いかけています。






これからも真央ちゃ� �みたいな優しくて素敵な人になれるように頑張ります。よろしくお願いします。真央ちゃんのスケートも大好きです。


MC: 愛情たっぷり


真央: 上手ですよね、字とかキャラクターとかも、嬉しいですね

MC: 村上選手はどんな存在ですか

真央: 昔からよく一緒に練習してたんですけど、中京大学でも一緒に練習することがあるんですけど、自分も頑張らなきゃいけないなという刺激をもらえる選手でもありますし、一緒にいてもすごく楽しいので、すごいいい関係かなと思っています。

MC: 2014年話はまだ先になると思うんですけど、これからどのようなスケートを見せていきたいと思っていますか

真央: やはりまだまだだったなと感じているので、でもそれによって大きなやらなきゃいけないこととか、できるようにしなきゃいけないことはたくさん見つかったので、シーズンオフの� �間にしっかり改善して来シーズンに備えれば、一段とレベルアップできるんじゃないかなと思っています

小塚: 世界選手権でも銀メダルまで行けましたし、来年になるか再来年になるかそこまでは分からないですけど、ぜひ金メダルを目指していきたいなと思っています

MC: 今シーズンはこれで終わりですが、このインタビューの後には2人ともオフの期間の練習予定を話し合ったりしていて、早くも心は次のシーズンを見据えているなという感じがしました

MC: それにしてもリンク上で見せるスケーターとしての戦う表情と、オフの時に見せる柔らかい表情と、桜井さん、そのギャップが魅力的な2人ですよね

桜井: 以前お二方とご一緒した時に、兄妹のように仲のすごい良い印象があったんですけど、今日のVTRから� ��それに加えて尊敬しあってる雰囲気も感じられましたね。

MC: First of all, Kozuka, congratulations on your winning the silver medal at the World Championships.

Kozuka: Thank you.

MC: It's been a week since then. What do you feel now?

Kozuka: Many people praised me, and when I came back to my hometown Nagoya, my friends told me "you did great," or "this is the silver medal from the Worlds," so it made me realize that I got a medal at the Worlds. I feel so happy now.

MC: How do you analyze the reason you won the silver medal?

Kozuka: I practiced hard, and performed with self-confidence.


Narration: He practiced hard and overcame a problem to be confident. The problem was the landing of a quadruple jump. Kozuka had a habit of landing with two feet in a quadruple jump which tends to cause fall at landing. His target was to correc the habit and improve the success rate of a quadruple jump by landing with one foot. A little before the World Championships, he got the feeling of landing with one foot.
In the competition, he nailed a clean, perfect 4T. That was the fruit of hard training of 4T he worked on this season. Quadruple jumps were the key to success this season.

MC: What do you say to your 4T?

Kozuka: I was able to jump just as I had pictured in my mind, in terms of height, distance and rotation speed.

MC: Mao, what do you say?

Mao: Well, it's great. Beautiful. It looks like he jumps so easily… no fault at all.

Kozuka: No easy (laugh)

MC: To see you jump as if it's so easy, we feel as if anyone can do, but it's not actually.

Mao: Difficult.

Kozuka: Difficult. But recently, many skaters are succeeding in quad jumps and including several of them in their free programs. I cannot stay being happy just because I landed one at the Worlds.

Narration: Kozuka has been training under Nobuo Sato for years.
Since last September, Asada joined the team. What does Asada think to see her teammate Kozuka bearing good results this season?

Mao: Training together, I think he is very stable. He has confidence both in the SP and FS programs, so watching his permance in competitions, I knew he was going to do great. I'm told by Mr.Sato to catch up.

MC: Catch up with him?

Mao: Yes.

MC: Like your big brother?

Kozuka & Mao: hahaha

Kozuka: I didn't know Mr.Sato told her like that.

MC: I heard Mr.Sato is so strict.

Kozuka: He's so strict in training, but I was not yelled by him this year.

Mao: I got yelled… twice?

Kozuka: Yeah, since the season started.

Narration: Asada had a hope for a consecutive win, but ended at 6th, the worst result of her history of the Worlds. What does she think about her performance?

MC: What would you rate your performance at the Worlds, if the full marks was 100?

Mao: Well, I would rate lower than half, if I consider both my skills and performance.

MC: What do you feel watching your own jump?

Mao: I was unable to land 3A cleanly after arriving in Russia, so in that condition, the 3A in the competition may have been better than practice. But it's obviously under rotated. It's a minus.

Narration: Mr.Sato advised Asada to play it safe and change 3A to 2A during the competition, but Asada chose to stick to 3A. Why was it?

Mao: I never changed to 2A during the season, so I was uneasy if it would work well for me to change it for the first time in the biggest competition of the season. I thought it would make me feel even more uneasy if I changed.

MC: When did he advise you to change?

Mao: In the official practice on the morning of the SP.

MC: Kozuka, you may not have seen her fail 3A so often, but what did you think to see her performance at the Worlds?

Kozuka: Her guts, strong will to challenge 3A in the competition, that's what I have to learn from her. If I were in her situation, I would have just said "yes" to the coach and changed to 2A. (laugh)

MC: Oh, that easily?

Kozuka: I would just be submissive. (laugh)

MC: We've got a letter for Mao from someone. Who do you think it's from?

Mao: I have no idea…oh, uh? Kana-chan?

MC: Right! How did you know?

Mao: The drawing on the envelope.

Kozuka: The drawing.

Narration: It's a letter from Kanako Murakami, 16. She finished 8th at her first World Championships. She was training in the same club as Mao in their junior days. Now that she has joined the national team, she is trying to catch up with Mao.

Letter from Kanako:

Dear Mao,

Thank you for always treating me like a sister.
I was so happy that you took me for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day during the Worlds.

I got itchy feet to go out with you.
I wanna go to an amusement park, shopping, eat sweeeeets… so many things to do with you and I'm already smiling just to think about it.

I looooooove you!

I'll do my best to become a sweet, nice girl like you.
I love your skate too.


MC: It's full of love.

Mao: She writes so neatly, too, these letters and drawings. I'm so happy.

MC: What do you think about Kanako?

Mao: We've been practicing together since long before, and we often get together at the university rink these days. I'm motivated practicing with her, and I enjoy her company. We are very good friends.

MC: 2014 is still far ahead, but what plans do you have in mind?

Mao: I felt that I lack in many things (from the result of the Worlds). But from this season's experience, I've found important things I have to do and I have to acquire. So I want to improve what I found during the off season and prepare for the next season. That way I think I can improve.

Kozuka: I've reached the silver medal at the Worlds this season. Not sure it's next year or 2 years from now, but I'm targeting to win the gold.

MC: The season's just over, but after the interview, they were already talking about their practice during the off season. They are already thinking about the next season.

MC: They have different attractive personalities on and off the ice. On ice, they are fighing skaters, and off ice, they are sweet young people. Mr. Sakurai (a member of a very popular pop star group and a newscaster of this news show), what did you feel?

Sakurai: When I got together with them before, I thought they were very good friends, like a brother and a sister. But watching their interview today, I thought they are not only good friends but respect each other.
Mao and Kanako are like real sisters as well, but they are developing through friendly competition as skaters.
They had different results at the Worlds, but for the coming years and the Olympics in 2014, the results will surely work for them. I'm looking forward to ther development.


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